The 社会正义 Collaborative at Berks works to further the principled exploration and eng年龄ment of critical social issues through programming, 课程, 大学参与. 用一个诚实的, evidence-driven understanding of history, 压迫, 结构性不平等, The Collaborative champions the ideals of equality and justice. 最重要的是, we commit to a future in which all members of our college community and society have been empowered to reach their full potential.
We recognize the long history of ongoing freedom struggles and understand our role in ameliorating such struggles. Yet rather than attempting to speak for others, we will work to open up social and political space for silenced voices. We try to recognize our roles in the maintenance of power structures that serve to silence and thus will also work to support pathways to just and equitable results, including support for transformational institutional changes.
Racism is dehumanizing to everyone it touches. We recognize that racism is inextricable from all of our lives, and we commit to dismantling the fundamental structures and ideas that aid and abet it.
We value the lived experiences and backgrounds of others by recognizing one another’s humanity with compassion, 爱, 和诚实. 尽管我们重视同理心, we will not condone bigotry, 歧视, or any foreclosure of meaningful and constructive fellowship.
The human story is built upon unequal power relationships and social vulnerabilities, 也就是通过种族, 性别, 性, class, 信仰, 环境, physical and mental ability, 国家的起源, 语言首选项, 年龄, 和地理. 像这样, we recognize the interconnectedness of these categories, 它们如何协同工作, and the importance of taking these intersections seriously on the path to social justice.
We recognize that members will not always agree, but will work to eng年龄 in discussions and debates with honesty, 礼貌, and ethical argumentation. We understand that we are stronger together and will work to build stronger connections between our members, as well as between the group and other members of our college community.
我们看重有意义的东西, diverse contributions and ideas of others as we work in alignment with our mission.
We will regularly self-evaluate our work on campus (and welcome the feedback of administrators and other faculty, 工作人员, and students) to ensure we are holding to the values established above. We hold this value to ensure that our group is grounded in honesty, 理智主义, 合理的定位.
Holistic View of Langu年龄
We understand that the prevalence of English monolingual ideologies has perpetuated a system of inequity that disproportionately affects people of color from differing backgrounds. 像这样, we view langu年龄/s from a holistic point of view, centering the premise that making sense of the world multilingually and multimodally is normal, 有价值的, 应该受到鼓励, 受人尊敬的, 和辩护.
Members of the the Collaborative are faculty and 工作人员 who have specific expertise in social justice work through scholarship, 教学, 培训, 中介, 以及其他服务. Membership is open to all faculty and 工作人员 who are interested. Interested faculty and 工作人员 will be invited to participate in workshops, 事件, and meetings to help familiarize them with the goals and mission of the group. We encour年龄 those without an academic background or 培训 in this work to eng年龄 in webinar 培训s available at places such as Princeton University and The University of 宾西法尼亚. The SJCBC is unique but modeled on other well-established programs around the country (e.g. http://www.recastingrace.com/rec).